
Nov 8, 2013

Creative Initiative #1

I was so excited when I saw this post from Lena at "This Lovely Little Day" about her new project to get bloggers sketching and sharing their artwork. Her project is called The Creative Initiative, and each week there will be a different sketchbook prompt that bloggers can complete and share. I love this idea, because sketching gives you the freedom to present something that is an idea rather than a finished piece. It takes a lot of the pressure off of sharing your work!

This week's prompt was sort of a free sketch to introduce the topic. Last night I did this quick little drawing of myself! To see the work from everyone joining in, you can head to Lena's blog that I linked to above.


  1. Aww I love your little self portrait! You are so adorable! I can't wait to share more of our work together as the project goes on! :)

    this lovely little day

  2. Aww.. that's cute! I'm so excited to be doing this little project :)

