
Nov 3, 2013

The Morning Pause

I love finding rest in that sacred morning gap. That moment when life is floating between slumber and the hectic rush of the day to come. That space only to be filled by steaming coffee, crisp book pages, sweet granola and contented yawns. 

That moment that I far too often let pass me by.

"I woke up this morning and the sun was lying like a birthday parcel on my table so I opened it up and so many happy things went fluttering into the air — I don't believe I've ever been so heavy with happiness."
- from the love letters of Zelda Fitzgerald


  1. Oh I love this so much!

    I always underestimate that part of the day

  2. this is so very beautiful! thank you for the sweet comment on my blog - I love your space here and am a new follower too! xo
